
The Libraries and Digital Humanities Special Interest Group (Lib&DH SIG) was established in 2015 by the international Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations ADHO. With conveners from five different countries, the goals of this SIG are:

  1. to offer advice and support to librarians engaged in digital humanities pursuits;
  2. to advocate for initiatives of interest and benefit to both libraries and digital humanities;
  3. to document how librarians and library-based units meet the many challenges, and take advantage of the many opportunities, of DH librarianship;
  4. to provide information about available resources and opportunities (e.g., training, funding) that encourage collaboration between DH scholars in a variety of roles, especially in libraries;
  5. to showcase the work of librarians engaged in the digital humanities; and to promote librarians’ perspectives and skills in the greater DH community worldwide.

Find more in our original SIG proposal or in this 2016 conference poster about our work.

Join our email discussion list.

Follow us on [Twitter].

Conveners of the Libraries & DH SIG

(as of 2024)

Original (2015) Conveners of the Libraries & DH SIG

For questions about the Libraries and Digital Humanities SIG, contact Glen Layne-Worthey: gworthey@illinois.edu

Upcoming Events

Libraries & DH Special Interest Group meeting at DH2024
Washington DC, USA: August 05, 2024 - August 05, 2016