The Libraries as Research Partners in Digital Humanities pre-conference to Digital Humanities 2019 was held on July 8, 2019.
Presentation materials (including slides, notes, and prerecorded remote presentations) were deposited in our Zenodo community. Sessions in Visboekzaal - B were livestreamed and recorded.
Download the full programme as a PDF.
Monday, July 8, 2019
8:30-9:15: Bus from Utrecht to Den Haag
9:30-9:45: Welcome (Visboekzaal B)
9:45-10:30: Opening keynote: “Collections, Data, Research: perspectives at the national library of France,” Emmanuelle Bermès, Bibliothèque nationale de France (Visboekzaal B)
10:30-10:45: Marketplace Lightning Talks (Visboekzaal - B)
- CLARIN, Wessels (Netherlands)
- DARIAH, Chambers (Belgium)
- CERL, Lefferts (Netherlands)
10:45-11:15: Break and Marketplace (Foyer)
11:15-12:45: Morning Workshop + Short Paper Breakout Sessions
1A Short Papers: Designing Fruitful Collaborations (Visboekzaal B)
- The case for a citation index by the humanities, for the humanities, Colavizza (Netherlands), Peroni (Italy), Romanello (Switzerland)
- Digitizing for impact: from pixels to scholarship, Shows, Rubinow, Knutzen (USA)
- Next Generation of Scalable and Sustainable DH Services, Coble (USA)
- Forschungspartnerschaften zu welchem Preis?, Reiling (Switzerland)
- Collaboration with the Researchers: Content, Presentation systems and Techniques, Pääkkönen, Hakkarainen (Finland)
- Partnering up with researchers in a national library, Kleppe, Claeyssens, Veldhoen, Wilms (Netherlands)
1B Workshop: Social Networks and Archival Context Cooperative (SNAC) and the Role of Cultural Heritage Members (Gruuthuse - A)
12:45-13:45: Lunch (with options for Marketplace or 30-minute tour of KB)
13:45-14:45: Afternoon Short Paper Breakout Sessions (Locations TBD)
2A Short papers: National and International Cooperation and Infrastructure
- Finding new environments for cooperation with digital research and new values for heritage collections: experiences at the National Library of Spain, Sánchez Nogales (Spain)
- Growing an international Cultural Heritage Labs community, Chambers (Belgium), Mahey (UK), Gasser (Denmark), Dobreva-McPherson (Qatar), Kokegei (Australia), Potter (USA), Ferriter (USA), Osman (Egypt)
- Keyword searchable digital library of Serbian historic newspapers: Building the national infrastructure, Sofronijevic, Šević (Serbia)
- The role of CLARIN and linguistic annotation in the digital transformation in research, Wynne (UK)
2B Short papers: Teaching DH
- Digital Initiatives at the Taylor Institution Library, Huber, Egerton (UK)
- Bringing coroner’s records to life: a collaboration between the Glucksman Library and faculty to teach digital humanities to fourth-year history students at the University of Limerick, Mulrennan, Keogh (Ireland)
- Las bibliotecas universitarias, detonante para las Humanidades Digitales dentro y fuera Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Martínez Hernández, Cantor Pérez (Mexico)
- DH Clinics: Dutch librarians’ tour of DH, Cock, Companjen, Wilms (Netherlands)
14:45-15:15: Break
15:15-15:30: Lightning Talks (Visboekzaal B)
- Digital Scholarship and Data Provenance at the National Library of Scotland, Ames (Scotland)
- Data stewardship on the map: A study of tasks and roles in Dutch research institutes, Imming (Netherlands)
- Creating a Collaboration Guidebook for Library Faculty Partnership Success, O’Brien Roper, McClurken, Lee (USA)
- Proyecto de formación de bibliotecarios cubanos para la investigación en Humanidades Digitales (Project proposal for the training of Cuban librarians for Digital Humanities Research), Rodríguez Roche (Cuba)
- Building and Sustaining Fulcrum: A Digital Publishing Platform for Humanists and Social Scientists, DiPasquale (USA)
- Mnemosyne, Digital Library for Rare and Forgotten Texts (1868-1936): Collections and digital editions, Romero Lopez, Bueren Gómez-Acebo, Cotarelo Esteban (Spain)
15:30-16:15: Closing session: “Community before Computing,” Sarah Potvin, Texas A&M University (USA) (Visboekzaal B)
16:15-16:30: Closing remarks (Visboekzaal B)
16:30-17:30: Drinks/networking (tour of KB)
17:30-18:15: Bus from Den Haag to Utrecht